How the FluentC plugin works

All of the translations for your site are hosted on your copy of WordPress. We do this, without duplicating pages and posts.

  • 100% Compatible with all WordPress Plugins
  • Best-in-class automated translation platform
Replace Icon

We scan your published content

All of your pages and posts are translated and saved

Need to make an edit?

Edit all of the translations from within your WordPress site

Check Icon

Setup Languages

In the FluentC dashboard, create a site and configure your languages.

Connecting your WordPress site can be done in two ways.

  1. Copy the API key and save it to your site
  2. Click Connect from inside the FluentC plugin.

Watch how fast the FluentC plugin can be installed and deliver translations

In less than a minute you can start delivering your product and services to the world

Everything you need to go global

FluentC features that benefit you.

Chart Bar Icon

Automated Translation

You publish content and the FluentC Translation platform automatically translates your content

Code Icon

Full Edit Capability

Want full control? All yours! Edit all of your translations directly from your WordPress website

People Icon


FluentC is designed for performance and stability. Compatible with virtually all plugins.

Three ways to get the Best WordPress Translation Plugin

Download from

Sign up on and download it directly

Install from “Add new Plugins” inside of WordPress

Search “FluentC” in the Plugins Directory inside your WordPress website